Boston Transportation Department's redesign of Melnea Cass Blvd
Approximately 60 community residents and stakeholders came out (at 9 am on one of the hottest Saturday mornings of the year!) to get a three-dimensional view of what the Boston Transportation Department has proposed for the redesign of Melnea Cass Blvd, and to share their questions, concerns and feedback on the project. State Reps. Byron Rushing and Gloria Fox were in attendance, as well as City Councilor Mike Ross, an aide to Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz, and several city officials from the BTD, BRA, BHA, etc. Using large maps and a variety of markings on the street to demonstrate which trees would be cut down (white tape), where new ones would be planted (green paint), and where the new curb lines would be expanded to once the street is widened (orange cones and rope), the event helped provide a clearer understanding of the impact of BTD’s current proposal, which remains highly controversial in the community, with many concerns about the costs, public health, safety, and environmental implications of widening Melnea Cass Blvd., with few clear benefits to the community