Boston Scenes 9-20-18: Sociedad Latina, Pharma lawsuit, Mass Fallen Heroes, 9.11 observance

More than 200 Latino and English learner young participated in Sociedad Latina’s
summer programming. Middle school and high school Youth Leaders participated
in high-quality academic instruction from certified ESL/SEI facilitators
and enrichment activities in STEM, entrepreneurship, civic engagement, and the
arts. Each program was designed to support our young people with their English
language acquisition and development. Photo: courtesy Sociedad Latina

Mayor Martin Walsh announces a lawsuit targeting pharmaceutical companies over the opioids epidemic during a press conference at the Woods-Mullen Shelter. Photo: Mayor’s Office photo by John Wilcox

Students with Project 351, a youth leadership organization founded by former Gov. Deval Patrick, attend a September 11th
observance at the Rose Kennedy Greenway. Photo: Josephine Pettigrew, Office of the Governor

Boston police Commissioner William Gross speaks during the Mass Fallen Heroes Back-to-School event at the Shelburne Community Center. Photo: Mayor’s Office Photo by John Wilcox