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Boston Scenes 6/1/17

Dr. Makeeba McCreary, Managing Director and Senior Advisor of External Affairs for BPS, addresses graduating seniors.
Mike Thorne, EVP, Performance Sports Group with Robert Lewis, Jr, Founder of The BASE.
BASE Staff member Thomas Patterson, Jr. with Boston English Graduating Senior Allen Mejia, who will attend New Mexico Junior College in the fall.
Bedford Graduating Senior Anthony Rodriguez who will attend Barry College in the fall.
Snowden Graduating Senior Samantha Rincon who will attend Assumption College on a full scholarship with Assumption’s Shanell Nunez Cartagena and Michael DiPiazza.
(l to r) BASE Staff members: Alexandra Auguste, Christina Adames, BASE parent Lori DiPina, and BASE Staff member Karla Aguilar.
Greater Egleston Graduating Senior Eduardy Baez (undecided for next year).
Graduating seniors, family and BASE staff.
The BASE College & Career Night 2017 More than 50 college-bound student athletes, including seven from the inaugural BASE Freshman Year program, gathered in Roxbury Saturday night to celebrate this year’s graduating class at The BASE. Members of the Class of 2017 were joined by family members, alumni, and BASE staffers in a College & Career Night ceremony that featured prominent guest speakers and personal remarks by several graduating seniors. Keynote speaker Makeeba McCreary, Managing Director and Senior Advisor of External Affairs for Boston Public Schools, spoke about leadership and the qualities that define it at its best. One thing she’s learned over the years, McCreary said, “is that great leaders know what they stand for.” These individuals have the capacity not only to inspire others to follow them, she said, but also to “take people where they didn’t know they wanted to go.” McCreary cited BASE founder Robert Lewis Jr. as a model of “what leadership, looks like, smells like, feels like,” as she put it. Urging graduates to “find your north star,” she encouraged them to focus on what’s truly important in life and not on what might seem easy or popular to do. “People are waiting for you to lead them,” McCreary told her young listeners, to widespread applause.