Boston Scenes 4/10/14
Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate Donald Berwick (fourth from left) recently toured the Suffolk County House of Correction. (l-r) Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department staff Rachelle Steinberg, Valerie Barsom, Dennis Guilfoyle; Berwick; Suffolk County Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins; staffer David Marsh; Superintendent of the House of Correction Yolanda Smith; and Superintendent In-Chief Michael Harris.
Businessman Darryl Settles was recently honored with the Harriet Tubman Community Achievement Award by United South End Settlements. The award honors a recipient for being a strong, transformative leader in reflection of Tubman’s legacy that leaders create leaders.
The Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts held its 22nd Annual Gala on April 4 at Lombardo’s in Randolph. Five hundred attended the event which honored six individuals for their community contributions. Honorees pictured are: (l-r) Jeffery L. Musman, Denise Kaigler, Kathe McKenna and George Russell.
Governor Deval Patrick tours the Mexico City Metrobus System as part of his Latin American trade tour.