Boston Scenes 2-28-19: Proclamation of Honor
Catherine Hardaway accepts City of Boston Proclamation of Honor from Mayor Martin J. Walsh at the Catherine Hardaway Retirement Celebration on February 15 at the Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building in Dudley Square. More than 200 friends and colleagues were there to honor Mrs. Hardaway, a Mattapan resident and retiring CEO of Central Boston Elder Services, for her 20 years of tireless
service to Boston seniors and those with disabilities. Under her leadership, CBES developed the Catherine Hardaway Residences in Dudley Square providing
57 units of critically needed supportive housing. Striving always to keep elders independent and aging in communities they loved, she oversaw the daily operations and delivery of home care services to more than 8,000 elderly and disabled clients monthly. PHOTO: CITY OF BOSTON