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Boston Scenes 10-26-17 BAC Exhibition Opening

Attending the opening from Mexico City, Francisco Luna of CMAS is greeted by Daniela Coray.
Liz Luc Clowes uses virtual reality glasses to view the simultaneous exhibition in Mexico City.
Masters of Landscape Architecture students, Chien Yu and Yingli Zheng designed the exhibition’s virtual reality system with CMAS students in Mexico City.
The BAC’s Mexico-Boston exchange program organizers Bertha Pantoja and Maria Bellalta
The BAC’s Diana Ramirez with Graciela Gomez Garcia and Michelle Arroyo from the Consulate General of Mexico in Boston.
Boston-Mexico Partnership Featured in BAC Exhibition Opening The Boston Architectural College (BAC) and Centro Metropolitano de Arquitectura Sustentable (CMAS) celebrated a Boston-Mexico joint exhibition: Because of the Water / A Causa Del Agua, at an opening reception and gallery talk on Wednesday, October 11th. Close to 100 guests, students and faculty attended the event at the BAC’s McCormick Gallery on Newbury Street. A simultaneous exhibition is being held at CMAS in Mexico City and can be viewed in Boston via 3D virtual reality headsets. Attending were representatives from Mexico including Francisco Luna of CMAS, Graciela Gomez Garcia and Michelle Arroyo from the Consulate General of Mexico in Boston. The exhibit highlights projects affected by water and examine urban landscapes and cities shaped by politics, human density, lack of green areas, and climate change.