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Gov. Healey, Lt. Gov. Driscoll celebrate Black History Month with Black Empowerment Advisory Council — Gov. Maura Healey joins members of the Governor’s Advisory Council on Black Empowerment, members of Zeta Phi Beta and Phi Beta Sigma for the second annual Black History Month celebration in the Great Hall of Flags at the State House on Feb. 5. PHOTO: JOSHUA QUALLS/GOVERNOR’S PRESS OFFICE
Gov. Healey, Lt. Gov. Driscoll celebrate Black History Month with Black Empowerment Advisory Council — Children from Yawkey Boys & Girls Club of Roxbury led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance. PHOTO: JOSHUA QUALLS/GOVERNOR’S PRESS OFFICE
Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance opens second office in Boston — DTA Jackson Square office Director Patria Espinal (left), Front-End Staff Cindy Saintus, Jeff Saintus, and Ana Castrillon (center), HHS Secretary Kate Walsh (back) and DTA Commissioner Jeff McCue (right) cut ribbon at the new DTA Jackson Square office. PHOTO: MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSITIONAL ASSISTANCE
Groundbreaking of Yawkey Youth Development Center in Jamaica Plain — Set to open in 2026, the new
three-story facility at 267 Amory Street will enable Youth Enrichment Services (YES) to expand its reach and support an even greater number of city youth eager to participate in its programs. The completion of the new headquarters will allow YES to serve over 500 more Boston youth in its first three years of operation and 700 more in five years. PHOTO: YOUTH ENRICHMENT SERVICES
Witnessing Humanity: The Art of John Wilson at MFA — Art historian, pro-fessor emerita, and founding director for the Center for Race and Culture at Maryland Institute College of Art Leslie King Hammond serves as curator and tour guide for the newly opened “Witnessing Humanity: The Art of John Wilson.” Currently on dis-play at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. PHOTO: JAMYRA PERRY/BAY STATE BANNER
Boston Collegiate Readathon — Boston Collegiate Charter School engaged in a half-day Readathon to highlight the joy and power of reading. During the annual event, students enjoyed extended periods of quiet reading. Students wore pajamas and brought stuffed animals and blankets from home to make the day more inviting for curling up with a book.
At the start of the school year, 39% of new Boston Collegiate 5th graders were reading at or above grade level according to the i-Ready reading assessment, a nationally normed diagnostic. Now, 63% of 5th graders are reading at or above grade level. PHOTO: BOSTON COLLEGIATE