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Exercise and high cholesterol
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Be Healthy
Exercise and high cholesterol
Regular exercise can not only prevent high cholesterol, it can often lower it. Thirty minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a day for five days a week is recommended.
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South of the border beans and rice
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South of the border beans and rice
This recipe from the American Institute for Cancer Research is a good source of fiber, protein and potassium. It contains no saturated fat and is low in sodium.
Buttons and bows pasta
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Buttons and bows pasta
This recipe from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute provides healthy nutrients but is low in fats, cholesterol and sodium. Each serving contains only 329 calories.
A change in dietary guidelines
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A change in dietary guidelines
The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans has changed its stance on foods high in cholesterol. The new guidelines say that cholesterol-rich foods are no longer a food of concern, but should still be eaten in moderation.
Prevention of high cholesterol
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Prevention of high cholesterol
Many cases of high cholesterol can be prevented just by following a healthy lifestyle. If the cholesterol is too high or it does not respond to healthy lifestyle alone, medication — in conjunction with behavioral changes — is warranted.
Metabolic syndrome
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Metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome occurs if three or more medical conditions coexist at the same time. The conditions are high blood pressure, high triglycerides, elevated blood sugar, low HDL and large waist.
Peripheral arterial disease
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Peripheral arterial disease
Peripheral arterial disease, or PAD, is a common, but often undetected, condition that can result from excessive buildup of plaque in the arteries, particularly in the legs.
Stress and heart disease
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Stress and heart disease
Melissa Blount, 46, put her treatment for high cholesterol on hold. She was trying to have another child, but her efforts several years ago almost cost her her life.
Heart attack and stroke
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Heart attack and stroke
Heart attack and stroke are two of the most common complications from high cholesterol. In both conditions, cholesterol in the arteries blocks energy and nutrients to the organs.
High cholesterol: Common and silent
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High cholesterol: Common and silent
Although cholesterol has a bad reputation, it is actually essential to the body and a part of every cell. If it accumulates in the arteries, however, it can block access to energy and nutrients the organs need to survive.
Risk factors of high cholesterol
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Risk factors of high cholesterol
A risk factor is a characteristic that increases the likelihood of developing a particular condition. It is not a guarantee, however, that it will develop. Some risk factors related to high cholesterol can be controlled or monitored.
Screening tests for cholesterol
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Screening tests for cholesterol
It is recommended that screening for cholesterol begin at age 20 and be repeated every three to five years. Those of higher risk, such as those with diabetes, heart disease, stroke or a family history of high cholesterol, may get screened more frequently.