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Ujima Citywide Assembly

When: February 18, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Ages allowed: All Ages
Cost: Free
Ujima Citywide Assembly
Join Boston Ujima Project for our Citywide Assembly! This event is just one in our series We Be Knowin: A Boston Ujima Project Celebration of Everyday Democracy.
PLEASE RSVP. This event will take place on Zoom, and will be live streamed on Facebook. A recording will be made available on Youtube after the event.
How can we pool our collective resources, both capital and community resources, to invest in each other and the Boston we want and need?
What are the local businesses we love and want to support, businesses we need, and businesses we want to replace?
What are our shared values and priorities for where we will actually invest our resources and energy in retail, real estate, and infrastructure in Boston?
We are coming together to not only vision and imagine the future we want for Boston, but to create this future now. Share your experience, voice, and ideas. We’re coming together to decide as a community how we want to spend our shared investment dollars in Boston.
The assembly is a core part of Ujima’s governance and organizational structure. We use our assemblies as an opportunity for shared decision making to shape the future of our neighborhoods!
This event is the premier of the week, as we will deliberate, discuss and ratify Ujima’s Citywide Investment Plan.
About the Boston Ujima Project
THE BOSTON UJIMA PROJECT is a democratic, member-run organization building cooperative business, arts and investment ecosystem in Boston, with a mission to return wealth to working class communities of color. Ujima is bringing together neighbors, workers, business owners, investors, grassroots organizers, and culture-makers, to create a community-controlled economy in our city.