The Power of Our Stories: What Does Clay Have to Say? Beginning April 3, 5 – 7 pm

FREE SPRING ART WORKSHOP SERIES: “The Power of our Stories – What Does Clay Have to Say?” Teaching artist Wendy Ellertson leads children and family members on an exciting, creative journey in clay and ceramics on April 3, 10, 17, 24 & May 1 from 5 – 7 pm with light, healthy dinner at 5 pm at Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry, 10 Putnam St., Roxbury. A light, healthy dinner and workshop provided FREE OF CHARGE by Families Creating Together. Don’t miss this FREE disability-inclusive series of art workshops for children ages 5-13 accompanied by an adult family member/guardian. Create clay artwork to be fired in a kiln, then glaze it with bright colors and watch creatures and objects emerge from the clay…inspiring children to develop stories about them! Build backdrops out of mixed materials to help display and perform those stories. Presented in English, Spanish and American Sign Language upon request. Wheelchair accessible. FCT is a program of Community Service Care/Tree of Life Coalition in Jamaica Plain This is not a drop-in program. Please enroll if you can commit to at least three workshops. To register and for more information call 617-522-4832 or 617-372-3022 (cell, text, Espanol) or email SPACE IS LIMITED so register today! Additional information at