Fairs & Festivals
THE 8th ANNUAL PIANO/ORGAN SUMMIT at 12th Baptist Church

This is a most unique concert in Roxbury. For 7 years we’ve featured our “Classical Music” the music of the church. We will have 8 Ministers of Music and Music Directors of Boston area churches, sit down and play one Hymn or Gospel piece. No singing and no preaching. Just an afternoon of some of this city’s best musicians: Jonathan Singleton, Dennis Montgomery III, Mark Copland, David Sparr, Elder Hue White, Renese King, Frank Wilkins, and George Russell .These musicians will improvise a selection of their choosing.
This year, we will have as a special guest, The Lance Martin Jazz Trio with John Baboian, and Dave Clark. They will open the concert with jazz/ gospel selection.
FREE ENTRY/ FREE-WILL OFFERING April 28th 4:00pm, 12th Baptist Church