Performing Arts
SOLEFUL BLISS: Arts & Music Series

Join Soleful Bliss: Arts & Music Series – The Year to Manage Up!
Host Jha D | Circus Artist | Contemporary dance
Dine + Network: 5-6:30PM
Opening Visuals/Art Exhibit: 6:30-7PM
Live Music: 7-8:30PM
Dance + Circus Art: 8:30-9PM
DJ Reception: 9:00PM
Catered Delights | Cash Bar
Everyone is Welcome!
ASL Interpreter
Children (ages 1-15) FREE; Students (ages 16-25) & Seniors (ages 55+) $15; All Others – Early Bird $20
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building | 2300 Washington St, Roxbury (Dudley Square)
(parking located off of Zeigler Street)
Produced by AfroDesiaCity
Sponsored by The Boston Foundation, with support and partnership from the Barr Foundation.