Fairs & Festivals
Roxbury Unity Parade

What does it mean to be celebrated??? To be recognized. To be noticed. To be cheered. To be uplifted. Imagine a time in your life when you were celebrated, whether a birthday, an achievement, an award, and how being celebrated made you feel. Now, imagine that feeling for a whole community. To be recognized, noticed, cheered, and uplifted.
Support the Roxbury Unity Parade.
75 Malcolm X Blvd
10:00am – 12:00 pm
Enjoy music, face painter, and getting to know each other.
12:15 pm Opening Ceremonies/Award Ceremony
1:00 pm – Parade Step-off
Malcolm X Park (Behind the Shelburne Community Center)
12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Empowerment Fair, Live music, Entertainment for children, Free concessions
Rain or shine the parade will start on Malcolm X Blvd turn right onto Washington Street to turn left onto Dale Street then enter the field at Malcolm X Park behind Shelburne Community Center on 2730 Washington Street.
Go to https://roxburyunity18.weebly.com/ to register to WALK, Volunteer or Donate!