Children & FamilyFilm
Roxbury Film Festival 2019

—– TIMES/LOCATIONS VARY based on the film/date —–
The largest New England film festival dedicated to celebrating films by, for, and about people of color, the 21st Annual Roxbury International Film Festival gives voice to diverse cultures both local and worldwide.
For a list of the films screening, check out our list of FB events and visit our website at
Want to get the full RoxFilm experience? Grab a festival pass for access to all films + events at
Silver Passes:
Includes all film screenings, workshops, and events, including the Opening Night Reception.
Gold Passes:
Includes all films screenings with reserved seating, workshops, and events. Additionally, one ticket to Dinner & A Movie and Closing Brunch.
Keep an eye out for more updates, but don’t forget to spread the word! #RoxFilm