Performing Arts
Respect: A Boston Arts Academy Tribute to Aretha Franklin

You don’t want to miss Boston Arts Academy students paying tribute to Aretha Franklin—twice named “the greatest singer of all time” by Rolling Stone.
This entertaining production showcases the best of all the Boston Arts Academy’s departments’ artistic work through an interdisciplinary collaboration. This year, BAA is partnering with Roxbury Community College to put on the production at their Media Arts Center.
Boston Arts Academy vocalists, instrumentalists, dancers, actors, filmmakers, fashion designers, and visual artists will celebrate Aretha Franklin’s impact on R&B and Gospel music as well as her social activism. Come see how BAA students interpret this 20th century cultural icon.
Open to anyone in the community, tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students and seniors.
Prior to the Friday evening performance, the BAA Champion Award will be presented to Former First Lady of Massachusetts Diane Patrick at a reception. Tickets are $100.
To purchase tickets for the performance and/or reception, visit