Re-Imagining Health & Wellness Forum on EDUCATION: A New Education for a New Generation

Does our current model of education work? And what does work mean in this context? It would help us to think of education in developmental terms. It is best understood as an act of formation.
We are all lifetime learners exposed to experiences and relationships that influence, shape and mold us into who we are becoming. What is it that our children and youth actually learn when they go to school and navigate our current system of education? How well does the current model of education prepare us for the purposeful and sustainable work of shaping the future that we want.
There is no better time than NOW to come together in community to Re-Imagine Education and begin the process of creating a New Education for a New Generation! LIVE EVENT: Thursday March 30 6:30pm at Franklin Cummings Tech 41 Berkeley Street, Boston MA 02116