Policing Black Communities from 1854 to 2023: Changing Public Safety Narratives

The Reverend Rahsaan D. Hall will deliver the 2023 Theodore Parker Lecture on “ Policing Black Communities from 1854 to 2023: Changing Public Safety Narratives.” Sunday, March 26th, at 2pm, in person at Theodore Parker Unitarian Universalist Church, 1859 Centre Street, West Roxbury, and online. Q&A session and reception will follow. Registration is free and required for in-person and online attendance: tinyurl.com/theodore-parker-lecture-2023 or www.tparkerchurch.org
Rahsaan Hall is an advocate for community engagement, legal reform, and racial equity. He has served as Director of the Racial Justice Program for the ACLU of Massachusetts, Deputy Director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice, and Assistant District Attorney in Suffolk County. He is ordained in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and is on the board of the Who We Are Project and the Hyams Foundation.