Moving Forward: Too Soon to Talk About Post-Pandemic Life?

As we approach two years in the COVID-19 pandemic, we find ourselves wondering what we can expect to come next and urgently plan for our health and future as a country. The current Omicron variant introduced a renewed strain on society, particularly on nurses, doctors, and hospitals.
On February 9th, Jim Rooney, President and CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, will moderate a data-driven discussion around the state of the current pandemic. Our panelists, respected leaders in the healthcare industry, will provide information on the trajectory of COVID-19 and how we, as a region and country, can move forward.
Featured speakers:
Dr. Kevin Churchwell, President and Chief Executive Officer, Boston Children’s Hospital
Due to the critical nature of this conversation, this is presented as a virtual and free event to both members and non-members.
Press and media wishing to cover the event should RSVP to Casey Baines at cbaines@bostonchamber.com.