Outdoors & Recreation
Finding Wild at the Arnold Arboretum

For students in the 4th, 5th and 6th Grades! Spend time outdoors at the Arnold Arboretum searching for signs of wild life in different ecosystems and learning to record discoveries in field journals. Some indoor time will allow students to use of different magnification devices and create take-home projects.
Tuesday, April 16
Enter the North Woods: explore rotting logs and leaf litter, search for invertebrates, listen to bird calls and learn more about the benefits of maintaining urban woods. Make an insect hotel to take home.
Wednesday, April 17
Hike to Bussey Hill: search for signs of wild spring during a hike to one of the highest points in the Arboretum and through the Explorer’s Garden. Learn about flower parts through dissections and how to use stereo microscope. Take home a plant press.
Thursday, April 18
Go Ponding: Look for wild in and around the ponds at the Arboretum. Use dipping nets to collect macro-invertebrates from pond habitats for study and identification. Use a field guide to learn facts about creatures big and small. Take home a mini-field guide that can be used in future visits.
$20 each afternoon; $50 for all three afternoons
Scholarship available
Snacks provided, and all materials included.
Rain or shine; come dressed appropriately for outdoor exploration.
REGISTER: phone: 617-384-9032; online at bit.ly/2Tb4ZS7
Arnold Arboretum, 125 Arborway, MA 02130