DeeDee’s Cry Mental Health While Black Summit 2023

In February (Black History Month) 2023, DeeDee’s Cry will have its 2nd annual Mental Health While Black Summit (MHWBS). The focus of this summit is to address the stigma of suicide in the Black community. There’s a myth that Black people don’t die by suicide. Suicide has no racial discrimination. By focusing on the truth and normalizing the conversation about mental health and suicide we can chip away at the stigma so that people will seek help for themselves and their loved ones.
Join us for Black History Month as we speak with Imari Paris Jeffries, Executive Director of Embrace Boston, about the 1965 Freedom Plaza and the 65 civil rights and social justice leaders active in Greater Boston between 1950 – 1975 which it honors.
The mission of DeeDee’s Cry is to provide resources on suicide prevention and loss and mental health education. DeeDee’s Cry supports families impacted by suicide. DeeDee’s Cry aims to create a space where conversations begin to lift the stigma on suicide and mental health within Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) communities. DeeDee’s Cry creates and collaborates with organizations and agencies to create events programs, projects, and activities within BIPOC communities that are centered on family, mental health, and suicide prevention. Visit our website to make a donation. Purchase to attend on Eventbrite. To be a sponsor email