Food & Drink
Community Tables

Haley House is excited to announce that during our re-envisioning process, Community Tables will take place the SECOND SATURDAY from March-August from 5-7 pm at Haley House Bakery Cafe. Join us for dinner on Saturday, May 11. Doors open at 5 pm (first come, first served). Dinner will be served at 5:30 pm. All are welcome, especially families!
The meal is pay-what-you-will, which means that we accept donations of any size for the meal based on what customers are able to offer—even if that’s nothing at all. All donations beyond the cost of the meal support the daily work still being done each day at Haley House, in our soup kitchen, our affordable housing, through our catering and wholesale social enterprise businesses, on our farm, during our TBK classes, and as we re-envision the re-opening of the cafe!
Community Tables is more than just a delicious meal. It’s a time to share stories and celebrate one another. At Haley House, we believe that food should be healthy, locally sourced, and affordable.
Questions? Email us at info or call 617-236-8132.