Community Conversations: Housing and Racism in Boston: A History (w/ Byron Rushing)

Join us for a discussion, led by historian Byron Rushing, that looks at the effects racism has had historically when it comes to the issue of housing in the Boston-area.
Byron will lead the discussion that will be followed by a Q&A. And if you’re able to join us in-person, we will be having a Community Supper beforehand, from 5pm-6pm. Come for dinner…stay for the event! This is a FREE community event.
2 Opportunities to Participate
In-person: UU Urban Ministry; 10 Putnam St., Roxbury, MA 02119
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89286383707
About Byron:
Through his life he has been a champion for justice, and will speak about the history of racism in the Boston-area, and how that has affected housing for the city’s BIPOC residents—both in the past and in current day Boston.
Byron served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives for over-thirty-years, and was also the president of the Museum of African-American History in Boston.
If you have any questions about the event, email: development@uuum.org.
Sponsored by: First Parish in Milton