A Photo Night With Caribbean Curvy Strong

Caribbean Curvy Strong (CCS) is a nonprofit organization seeking to advance women and girls by focusing on health and wellness. Our purpose is to empower, motivate and inspire women and girls by educating them about their bodies and more specifically their reproductive systems. We also seek to help those who have been victims of Sexual Violence heal and have a safe space.
Our primary focus is women of all ages, who are living with Endometriosis as well as those who have experienced Sexual Violence.
We have been working on a photo project that we hope will inspire and motivate others and open the lines of communication within the community and outside. We seek to bring awareness to Endometriosis and Sexual Violence within our community and hopefully make people think. The photos are to motivate, inspire and empower other women who touch on Endometriosis, Sexual Violence and just female empowerment on a whole.
Come out with an open mind, view the photos and see what you feel.