A Community Conversation: Voting Rights and the Perilous March to Freedom

Friday, October 23, 2020 6:00 pm -7:30 pm
Join us as we continue our tribute to the patriotism of the Massachusetts 54th Regiment through an exploration of the history of race and voting rights in this country.
Register here: https://bit.ly/3nxkv7d
Event is non-partisan and open to the public.
Dr. Martha Jones
Society of Black Alumni Presidential Professor
and Professor of History at the John Hopkins University
Rahsaan Hall
Director of the Racial Justice Program for the American Civil
Liberties Union of Massachusetts
Cheryl Clyburn Crawford
Executive Director of MassVOTE
Karen Holmes Ward
WCVB Director of Public Affairs ond Host of “CityUne.”
Media Sponsors:
WCVB Boston’s News Leader
Bay State Banner
Sponsored by the Partnership to Renew the Shaw 54th Memorial:
National Park Service
City of Boston
Friends of the Public Garden
Museum of African American History