Rosalyn Brock
During the opening mass meeting of the NAACP’s 103rd Annual National Convention, NAACP Chairman of the National Board of Directors Roslyn M. Brock gave a rousing speech about the challenges that people of color face today and the efforts the NAACP will take to overcome them.
“Today, the enemies of justice are not lynching African Americans and practicing Jim Crow laws of segregation,” stated Brock. “They are more sophisticated. But they are equally sinister. They are erecting barriers to economic viability, educational quality, health care accessibility, judicial equity, and political opportunity. The opponents of justice are more refined, but they are equally threatening.”
“To address this ‘new normal’ in American society,” Brock explained, “the NAACP National Board of Directors developed a new game plan. Our mission remains the same — to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. Our core is constant. But we are adapting new strategies to help us achieve our mission in the face of contemporary antagonists of justice.”
Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization.