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No historical basis for myth of white superiority

Melvin B. Miller
No historical basis for myth of white superiority
“I thought white supremacy would give us a better life than this.”

There is some dispute as to whether racially integrated schools improve the academic performance of African American students. However, not often noted is the advantage that such schools provide as a natural rebuttal to the assertion of white supremacy. Regardless of race, all youngsters have to survive the awkwardness of the teenage years. There is little evidence at that time that any of the white youth will be acclaimed in the future. It is difficult to know just when the status of white supremacy is supposed to occur.

Educated researchers spend lifetimes studying human evolution. Yet many of the results are still theoretical. Julius Caesar wrote an account of his Gallic Wars in 50 B.C. that provided some information on northern Europeans. France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and England were primitive at that time when compared with Rome and Athens. The magnificent Parthenon was built on the Acropolis in Athens centuries earlier in the 5th century B.C.

Greece produced many of the early philosophers whose ideas influenced Western thought. The list includes Plato (429 B.C.), Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), and Socrates (470-399 B.C.). Pythagoras (570-495 B.C.) and Euclid (4th century B.C.) were also the founders of mathematics.

Even before that the Egyptians built the Giza pyramids between 2589 and 2504 B.C. There were no comparable developments of that quality at that time in all of northern Europe with the possible exception of Stonehenge. Alexandria in Egypt became a city that attracted numerous Greek scholars in the 4th century B.C., long after the era of the pyramids.

The ancient Greeks established a philosophy of racial integration which historians have called “Hellenization.” An individual’s color or place of birth was of less importance than their acceptance of Greek culture. This was a practical philosophy because Greece was located on the Mediterranean as well as the Aegean Sea at the crossroad for numerous ethnic groups.

After the Romans left England, there was a vacuum filled by invading Anglo-Saxons and others, followed by Vikings from 793-1066 A.D. It was not until the reign of Henry II (1154-1189 A.D.) that the crown established the common law and limited the role of feudalism. In continental Europe, Charlemagne became king of the Franks in Belgium in 768 A.D. and of the Lombards in Germany in 774 A.D. In 800 A.D. he also became the last king of the Holy Roman Empire. Anglo-Americans are the progeny of this polyglot European group of ancestors. What is there in this historical synopsis to suggest that their ancestral achievements warrant the designation of white supremacists? What makes them superior to others?

Perhaps the problem is even more fundamental. The U.S. Census Bureau has projected that white citizens will not be the nation’s major population group by 2045. Now with a U.S. population of 308.7 million, 63.7 percent are white. Blacks with 37.7 million presently constitute 12.2 percent of the total. Hispanics who are increasing in number significantly are at 50.5 million for 16.3 percent of the whole.

In only about 25 years, whites who are primarily the Republicans, will have lost their clout at the polls. The worst approach to the issue is for them to alienate others with a bogus and meaningless racial designation. Only a person afflicted with extreme racial bias would conclude that an incompetent white man deserves to be recognized as superior to a well-educated, gracious, person of color with sound character. Let us pray that there are only few Americans who still suffer from such affliction.