Gov. Deval Patrick announced last week $6,846,496 in Workforce Training Fund grants to 87 Massachusetts companies. The grants, which support up to two years of training, will create 682 new jobs and train over 6,300 workers, according to a statement released by the Patrick Administration.
“We are focused on addressing the skills gap issue in the Commonwealth so that workers can compete in today’s ever-changing jobs market,” said Patrick. “The Workforce Training Fund focuses on the needs of both our businesses and workers, as Massachusetts continues to lead the nation in economic recovery.”
The companies are located in 66 cities and towns across the Commonwealth and training will be provided to employees in a range of sectors, including financial services, manufacturing, engineering and hospitality.
The fiscal year 2012 budget established the Workforce Training Fund as a trust fund, allowing for collection and disbursement of funds as needed by businesses, rather than on an annual appropriation cycle.
Here is a partial list of grant recipients:
BOSTON ARTAIC, LLC. $82,000 awarded, seven employees to be trained, four additional jobs are expected to be created as a result of training.
BOSTON TECHNOLOGIES, INC., $63,980 awarded, 62 employees to be trained, 10 additional jobs to be created as a result of training.
EASCARE AMBULANCE SERVICE, LLC, $54,180 awarded, 45 employees to be trained, 45 additional jobs are expected to be created as a result of training.
MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL DEVICE INDUSTRY COUNCIL, on behalf of a consortium of medical device manufacturers, $118,802 awarded, 189 employees to be trained, 23 additional jobs are expected to be created as a result of training.
MCCOURT CONSTRUCTION, $91,978 awarded, 130 employees to be trained, no additional jobs are expected to be created as a result of training.
MERIDAMERIDIAN, LLC, $62,000 awarded, 50 employees to be trained, three additional jobs are expected to be created as a result of training.