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What it takes to embody MLK’s dream

Rev. Irene Monroe

MLK Day 2025 marks the 40th holiday observance. The theme, “Mission Possible: Protecting Freedom, Justice, and Democracy in the Spirit of Nonviolence 365,” is challenging in this politically polarized era. With this new presidency, we are called to reaffirm our values and hold them against a hard reality that provides a promise for future generations.

Americans on the margins have the most to lose now in a country eroding, if not dismantling, decades-long civil rights gains that were allowing protection and participation in an evolving multicultural democracy.

For King, protecting freedom, justice and democracy was more than a racial, legal or moral issue. It was a human issue. This was evident in King’s passionate concern about a wide range of concerns. “The revolution for human rights is opening up unhealthy areas in American life and permitting a new and wholesome healing to take place,” King once told a racially mixed audience in 1967 during his ‘Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” speech. “Eventually, the civil rights movement will have contributed infinitely more to the nation than eradicating racial injustice.”

Moral leadership played a profound role in King’s justice work. He argued that authentic moral leadership must involve itself in the situations of all who are damned, disinherited, disrespected and dispossessed, and moral leadership must be part of a participatory government that is feverishly working to dismantle the existing discriminatory laws that truncate full participation in the fight to advance democracy.

However, if King were among us today, he would say that it is not enough to look outside ourselves to see the places where society is broken. It is not enough to talk about institutions and workplaces that fracture and separate people based on race, religion, gender and sexual orientation, among other issues.  Often, we find that these institutions and workplaces are broken, dysfunctional and wounded in the same ways we are. The structures we have created mirror not who we want to be but who we are.

King would remind us that we cannot heal the world without healing ourselves. In light of his teachings, healing ourselves is the greatest task and the most difficult work we must do. This work must be done in relation to our justice work in the world.

In “A Farewell to Arms,” Ernest Hemingway said that the world breaks us all, but some of us grow strong in those broken places. King’s teachings invite us to grow strong in our broken places — not only to mend the unhealthy world we live in but also the unhealthy world we carry around within us.

“If you want to see love, be love. If you want to receive compassion, be compassionate. If you want respect, you have to show respect,” Dr. Bernice A. King said in an interview promoting her 2022 children’s book “It Starts with Me.” She is the CEO of The King Center and the youngest surviving daughter of MLK. She added, “Stop waiting on the next leader, the next Martin Luther King Jr. It starts with you!”

I know that the struggle against racism that King talked about is only legitimate if I am also fighting anti-Semitism, homophobia, sexism and classism, not only out in the world but also in myself. Otherwise, I am creating an ongoing cycle of abuse that goes on unexamined and unaccounted for.

We are foolish if we think we can heal the world and not ourselves. And we delude ourselves if we believe that King was only talking about the woundedness of institutional racism and not the personal wounds we all carry as human beings.

Ironically, our culture of woundedness and victimization has bonded us together in brokenness. Sharing wounds to depict and honor our pain has created a new language of intimacy, a bonding ritual some feel more able to trust. When we bond in these unhealthy ways, we miss opportunities to work collaboratively with others to effect change in seemingly small ways that eventually lead to significant outcomes.

For example, both Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. were leaders in the Montgomery Bus Boycott in challenging Alabama’s Jim Crow laws. Both were working together for a desired outcome, and they could not have done it without the other. Had Rosa Parks not sat down and refused her seat to a white man that day on the bus in December 1955, King could not have promulgated a social gospel that catapulted this nation’s civil rights movement.

Each year, I mark the Martin Luther King holiday by reexamining myself in light of King’s teachings. When we use our gifts to serve others, as King has taught us, we shift the paradigm of personal brokenness to personal healing. We also shift the paradigm of looking for moral leadership from outside of ourselves to within ourselves, thus realizing we are not only the agents of change in society but also the moral leaders we have been looking for.

Therefore, our job keeping King’s dream alive is to remember that our longing for social justice is also inextricably tied to our longing for personal healing. And it starts with you.

Rev. Irene Monroe can be heard on the podcast and on the Boston Public Radio segment All Rev’d Up, an affiliate of NPR.