It must be difficult to be a Republican. Beyond the necessary deference to their former president, what issues and attitudes require their support?
A common position is personal freedom and human rights. They see government as an infringement. For example, the requirement to be vaccinated was seen as an invasion of their personal rights, even though the objective was to protect the health and lives of others, as well as themselves.
Then many would deny women the right to an abortion, reputedly to protect a fetus that may not even be viable. But now it seems to be permissible for the women to be denied by the despised government the right to control her own body. All of this is because of a higher standard, the protection of human life.
However, one of the greatest dangers to the continuation of a human life is a gun in the hands of someone who should not be authorized to have one. Multiple shootings are now common American hazards. Yet the allegedly protective Republicans oppose any restrictions on gun permits as violations of the Second Amendment.
Now, with voting barriers being established in Republican states, the objective is becoming clear. Restrictions of voting rights will primarily impair the poor and working class. What the Republican leaders do support are benefits for the wealthy, to the detriment
of others.
Working-class families have to question what the advantage is to them as members of the Republican Party.