Michael Branch, Brockton District Court chief probation officer, was recently recognized as a community leader and presented with the Purple Tie Award for his work. Branch accepted his award at Health Imperatives’ 4th Annual Purple Purse and Purple Tie Awards Breakfast in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month on October 3 at the Mockingbird Restaurant in East Bridgewater. Brockton-based Health Imperatives is a non-profit organization which works to improve the health and well-being of low-income or vulnerable families and individuals in Southeastern Massachusetts.
“I am truly honored to be recognized for my work in the community and with those who are the most vulnerable in society. I believe it is important to give back and help those in need or who need guidance in reaching the next step in their journey,” said Branch who works closely with Health Imperative’s SafePlan Team, a partnership program between the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance (MOVA), the courts, and other criminal justice and social service agencies.
A two-decade Probation employee, Branch has previously received awards from U.S. Attorney General Michael Sullivan and the Boston Police Department for his efforts to reduce guns in the Dorchester community.
Branch started his career in 1994 with the Department of Social Services, which was later renamed the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and became a Probation Officer at Dorchester District Court in in 1997. Branch was promoted to Assistant Chief Probation Officer in 2006 and then to First Assistant Chief two years later. During his personal time, Branch speaks to at-risk youth at local schools and surrounding communities. He regularly meets with inmates at the Plymouth County Correctional Facility to help them prepare to re-enter society by providing helpful strategies and introducing them to resources in the community. A former college football player and avid football fan, Branch also coaches high school and semi-pro football.