Those who violate the civil rights of others do not enjoy the privilege of determining what remedies the victims must pursue. People who are angered by Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the national anthem would have to conclude that the extensive pattern of police assaults against unarmed black men do not justify such protest.
During the Civil Rights Movement it was impossible to avoid public opposition to any protest. Sit-ins were deemed annoying and marches were disruptive and potentially violent. The advice was to wait patiently for social change to occur at its own pace.
There have always been two competing concepts in American society. One is “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” The other is that those with power and wealth will dominate. Their goal is to oppose change.
The time has come, change is here. The only sensible approach is to amend policies to enable America to attain its highest objectives. Those offended by the football players’ protest should be the most committed to progressive change.