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Jobs: Getting back in the workforce? Don’t let these thoughts derail you

You’ve been out of the working world for a while. Whether you took some time off to travel or stayed home for a few years to raise a family, you’re finally ready to pack up that briefcase, polish up your resume, and make your grand entrance back into the workforce.

There’s only one problem: You feel completely out of touch.

Heading back to work after taking a break can be intimidating. But, break or no break, you aren’t the first person to feel overwhelmed by the job hunt.

So, take a deep breath, gather your courage, and stop telling yourself these self-deprecating (and totally false) things.

‘I don’t have any skills’

Sure, you might be a little short on recent experience. But, that doesn’t mean you’re not bringing anything to the table for a potential employer. You definitely still have knowledge, capabilities and value to provide — even if you haven’t put them to use in an office setting in a few months or years.

Instead of zoning in on the things you’re lacking, channel your focus onto the things that you offer. That way, you’ll be able to approach any interview with poise and self-assuredness. Those are qualities that any employer will admire.

‘I’ve been gone for too long’

Yes, there might be a bit of a learning curve in order to get up to speed on any big changes in technology, tools and procedures that have cropped up since you’ve been gone. But it’s nothing insurmountable.

Remember, you simply took some time off — you didn’t go to Mars. Invest some time into getting caught up with any major changes in your industry, and you’ll feel back in your prime in no time.

And, not only that, you’ll probably be better informed than many of the people who never took a break but also never bothered to stay updated on current trends.

‘I have to go back to what I did before’

Heading directly back to the career you left can seem like your only option — particularly when you feel unemployable to begin with.

However, if you weren’t quite satisfied or fulfilled by your past position, there’s no law stating that you have to return to it. In fact, since you’ve pressed pause on your professional life for a while anyway, now could be the perfect time for a career shift.

Do some research and figure out what you’d like your next steps to be. If you want to stick with what you know, that’s great, but, if you find something that seems like an interesting new challenge that could benefit from your transferrable skills, that’s awesome, too.

Don’t trap yourself into thinking that you’re destined to stay stuck in your rut. You’re entitled to just as much career freedom as anybody else.

‘Nobody will hire me’

Literally everybody who is going through a job hunt feels this way. That little voice in your head can be your worst enemy when you’re looking for a new gig. That voice tells you you’re not good enough, smart enough, experienced enough, skilled enough.

It’s time to tell that cold, cruel voice to just shut up already. You will find somebody who not only hires you, but is thrilled with the opportunity to do so.

Yes, it might take some time. But, eventually you’ll land on your feet and find an opportunity that thrills you, regardless of what that pesky little voice has to say about it.

jobs, skills, workforce