Modern technology and changing reader habits have caused dramatic crises in the newspaper publishing industry. Some dailies have been forced to close and others have had to modify their business models in order to survive. Even weeklies have been affected. At the Bay State Banner, management has developed plans for the digital website to provide economic efficiencies.
The need for reliable news coverage of importance to Boston’s cosmopolitan community continues. Citizens have depended on the Banner for more than 50 years. The modest changes in help wanted advertising and publication of events will contribute to the strategy of sustaining the Banner for another 50 years.
Help wanted
Before the preference for digital help wanted ads developed, the Bay State Banner usually published 10 pages or more of help wanted ads each week. Clearly, the Banner ads worked, but the more modest cost of digital technology was irresistible to advertisers.
Now the Banner has developed an efficient digital system that will simplify the efforts of human resource executives to recruit needed staff. And the system is cost-effective. What is more, a digital help wanted Banner ad will reach a youthful, more highly-educated and
metropolitan-oriented audience on the Banner website.
Yes, Banner help wanted ads still work! Go to, click the “classified” indicator, then follow the directions. Place the advertisement of your choice on the Banner website, then sit back and await the responses.
Events notices
A major task of newspapers is to provide news and information. With so much happening in the world, there is no end to the possible matters of interest. Locally, readers also want to know about coming events. This is a very active community, so the number of events sometimes seems to be endless.
The Banner has an events platform on which we allowed users to post their events free of charge for the past five years. Due to the high cost of managing the events page we recently updated the system to add a paywall. The cost of posting your event online is now $20 which is a standard fee in the industry. This nominal charge will allow your event to be posted for our online audience as well as have access to our social media platforms.