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Neighborhood groups join forces


Reclaim Roxbury, a community-led effort to take control over Roxbury development decisions, and the Roxbury Neighborhood Council, Inc., a longstanding advocacy organization, are announcing their intention to work together to address neighborhood impact in the midst of rampant development.

Boston is experiencing a development boom that is putting pressure on Roxbury. With increasing rents, housing prices, property taxes and the threat of displacement looming over the heads of many, it is time for the people of Roxbury to reestablish control over development. This is the time to be proactive in shaping development decisions by creating a comprehensive, community-driven structure and process for organizing, engagement, governance and community visioning.

In order to achieve these objectives, Reclaim Roxbury and the Roxbury Neighborhood Council, Inc. will facilitate a process towards a community-wide election for a new Neighborhood Council in the fall.

The next joint meeting will be held at 6pm, on Thursday, May 26th in the Student Center of Roxbury Community College and we urge all Roxbury residents to attend.

In the meantime, the two groups have called on Councilor Tito Jackson to ask the BRA for an extension of his previous call for a moratorium on PLAN Dudley’s activities until the end of 2016. This six month extension to the moratorium will give the residents of Roxbury time to formalize a comprehensive review and approval process that creates large-scale participation and development without displacement.