Affordable Care Act open enrollment: What does it all mean?
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“I got a big packet in the mail from the state but I haven’t opened it yet.”
“I know I am supposed to have health insurance, but I have no idea where to start!”
“My kids are on MassHealth, but I don’t know if I have insurance for myself.”
Now is the time to make sure you have health insurance for 2015. Thousands of people who live in Massachusetts are covered by state health insurance programs that are ending. MassHealth and the Health Connector have been mailing information to all those affected. It is important that you pay attention to your mail and follow the instructions if you think you may be covered by one of these health plans.
How do I know whether my insurance is ending?
If you got something in the mail from MassHealth or the Health Connector, then you are someone whose insurance may be ending. This includes people on the following insurances:
• Temporary MassHealth (or temporary MassHealth Limited)
• Commonwealth Care
• Medical Security Program (MSP)
• Qualified Health Plans through the Health Connector
If you are not sure whether you have insurance, or what your insurance is, you may call MassHealth at 1-800-841-2900 or the Health Connector at 1-877-623-6765 and ask them to look you up.
What do I need to do to stay insured?
You need to fill out a new application and enroll in a new plan to avoid a gap in coverage. The fastest and easiest way to do this is with the new on-line application system at
If you need help with applying, you may call the following:
• Health Connector Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6765 or TTY 1-877-623-7773 for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech disabled.
Special Hours during Open Enrollment:
• Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
• Saturday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
• Closed on Sundays with the exception of Sunday, February 15, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
• Extended hours on Saturday, February 14, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.
What is the deadline for submitting a new application?
Open enrollment ends on February 15th but many people will lose their insurance before then, depending on the type of coverage they have. To prevent a gap in insurance coverage, it is important to act quickly.
What information do I need to have when I apply?
You should have the following information on hand for your application:
• Social Security numbers for people in your family (if they have a social security number)
• Birthdates for people in your family
• Immigration documents for all non-U.S. citizens who are applying
• A copy of federal tax returns from last year
• If someone did not file taxes last year, they should have information about their current income (such as recent pay stubs or an unemployment award letter)
• Home or mailing address for everyone in the family who needs insurance, unless they are homeless
This information is needed if you are applying for state insurance programs, like MassHealth. If you do not qualify for state coverage programs, you may also purchase a health plan on the Health Connector. Everyone who lives in Massachusetts can get health insurance — it’s about figuring out the right program for you and your family.
Hospitals and community health centers across Boston are helping patients submit applications for state coverage on the new system.