The BASE Celebrates Student Athletes’ Success at College and Career Draft Day
20 Graduating High School Seniors Announce Plans for Attending College in the Fall
It was an evening of unparalleled inspiration. On Monday, June 9th, approximately 100 players, alumni, their families, donors, board members and friends of The BASE gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of 20 graduating high school seniors, each of whom announced their intention to attend college in the fall. A highlight of the event was the recognition of Calvin Graves, graduating senior from Franklin Pierce who was just drafted by the Chicago Cubs, and Jamill Moquette, graduating senior from U. Mass Boston who was just drafted by the Baltimore Orioles.
On hand to deliver motivational remarks were Mike Gambino, Head Baseball Coach from Boston College, and Kurt Russell, Head Baseball Coach from Western Oklahoma State College. Robert Lewis, Jr., Founder and President of The BASE also spoke with pride for the hard work, resiliency and smart decisions each of the players made to achieve success.
He was emotional as he congratulated Calvin and Jamill, and called their mothers to the podium to recognize their important role they played in shaping such successful young men both on and off the field.
Lewis also announced that The BASE has secured more than $10 million in academic scholarships for our student athletes, benefitting many of the players heading to college in the fall.