Stephanie Neal-Johnson named Undersecretary at the Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Stephanie Neal-Johnson has been appointed Undersecretary at the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. In her new role, Neal-Johnson is functioning as Interim Chief for the Office of Diversity and Civil Rights, guiding that team in improving DOC’s Equal Employment Opportunity program, recruiting new staff members and working with the agency’s federal partners to ensure a robust program. Neal-Johnson also manages the agency’s Public and Legislative Affairs team.
“Stephanie has been a valued counselor and member of my team over the last three years, helping us continue to push transportation reform across the organization,” said Mass. DOT Secretary and Chief Executive Officer Richard Davey. “We remain committed to creating a top notch diversity and civil rights program. I am most grateful that Stephanie has assumed the lead role in the Office of Diversity and Civil Rights over the last several months, pushing us to create a model program.”
Neal-Johnson formerly served as Davey’s chief of staff. She received a bachelor’s degree from Columbia University and a law degree from Boston University School of Law.