Celebrate the Fruits of Our OceanTM at Haley House Bakery Café
Join Boston Collaborative for Food and Fitness, local chefs and their partners in a celebration of the fruits of our ocean at the Haley House Bakery Cafe. Discover the seasonality of fresh seafood available in New England and watch as Chefs Garrett Gordon vs. Chef Lee Miller of Haley House Bakery Café battle it out in throwdown to see who can create the most delicious dish with their local mystery fish! There will be a limited free tasting of the delicious seafood dishes
prepared by Haley House Bakery Café chefs for those who register on site. After the tasting, shop at the pop-up farmers market with urban farmers and specialty food producers from around the area and listen to free music by Pan Steel United Orchestra.
Boston Collaborative for Food and Fitness (BCFF) and its partners have launched Celebrate the Fruits of Our OceanTM, a year-long campaign promoting local seafood in the community. The campaign, developed in partnership with Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance (NAMA), Health Care Without Harm’s Healthy Food in Healthcare Program (HCWH), and with support from Boston Children’s Hospital kicked off the summer season at the Boston Public Market on June 26, 2013 and will continue at six other neighborhood farmers markets and community spaces throughout the summer and fall.
WHEN: Wednesday, July 17, 2013, 5pm-7:30pm
LOCATION: Haley House Bakery Café (Parking Lot)
12 Dade St, Roxbury, MA 02219
COST: Free
AGES: All Ages Welcome!
WEB: www.facebook.com/bostoncollaborativefoodfitness/events
CONTACTS: The Williams Agency
617-395-7680, jacqueline@thewilliamsagency.net
PUBLIC TRANSIT: MBTA RT 8, RT 10, RT 15, RT 1, RT 47, RT 170, RT 171 or Ruggles
Orange Line T stop